Tag: Auditions
Auditions for Youth Production of Comic Book Artist
This imaginative production, directed by Marisa Clark, has a cast of approximately 32, with a need for 10 or so tech crew members. Performances May 16-18 & 23-25, 2025.
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Auditions for Youth Production of Comic Book Artist
This imaginative production, directed by Marisa Clark, has a cast of approximately 32, with a need for 10 or so tech crew members. Performances May 16, 17, 18 & 23, 24, 25, 2025.
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AUDITIONS for Over the River and Through the Woods!
A poignant and humorous story of family, longing to remain a part of the close knit unit, but yearning to break free from the hold, the routine, the traditions and the “guidance” that is offered. Featuring a young man, his two sets of grandparents, and a young woman who captures his heart. Directed by Cora
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Auditions for Space Pirates!
Auditions for the 1st production of the 2024-25 Season. Pirates! Aliens! Space Travel! Space Pirates tells the story of Gabby, a kid who gets picked on during a school trip to the museum. Everything quickly changes when an alien space ship accidentally beams Gabby and her classmates up to outer space. Things go from bad
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