Adult Conservatory Classes & Free Activities
Keep scrolling to see the upcoming Adult Conservatory Classes
Reader’s Theatre – Join us!

Each participant will be assigned a character as they arrive. Each reader may read more than one character depending upon the play and the amount of participants. Upon arrival, the concession stand will be available for beverages and snacks. Feel free to invite friends or older family members to observe. If they choose not to read….it will still be an adventure! There is no cost to participate, or to watch, though donations are certainly welcome.
Cabaret Club – Free!
A delightful time of singing, laughter and fun! A NOVA no-cost event!
The 3rd Sunday of the month at 5:30pm

See class descriptions below. NOVA is excited to offer classes and other activities for people ages 16+!
Life is Improv!
Taught by: Marisa Clark
Time: 5:30 to 7:00
Cost: $200
Description: Life IS improv….and you have been doing it since you were born! In this adult improv class, you’ll have fun learning and performing improv games while gaining skills to help with the “improv” situations that life throws at you. The class focuses on communication, story, collaboration, making big choices, and how they can lead to hilarity onstage. The final class session will include a performance and you’re welcome to invite friends and family. No improv, acting or stage experience necessary.
Musical Theater Audition Prep!
Taught by: Wendy Carlin
Dates: April 12th
Time: 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Cost: $200
Description: Want to get involved in theater not sure where to start? This class will teach you the basics of an audition such as how and what to prepare for an audition, what directors are looking for, and how to get on a cast list! Students will work on 1 – 3 songs that they know well to get them ready for their big audition!